Sandy Knowe Wind Farm Extension
We have now submitted an application for an extension to Sandy Knowe Wind Farm under Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989.
Sandy Knowe Wind Farm Limited
Notice is hereby given that ERG UK Holding Ltd (ERG) or ‘the Agent’ (an associated company of Sandy Knowe Wind Farm Limited or ‘the Applicant’ 06850950 C/O Tmf Group, 13th Floor, One Angel Court, London, United Kingdom, EC2R 7HJ) has applied to the Scottish Ministers for consent under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 to construct and operate the Sandy Knowe Wind Farm Extension on land adjacent to the existing Sandy Knowe Wind Farm, south of the A76 and approximately 2.5km south-west of Kirkconnel (Central Grid Reference NS 69292 10825). The application (ECU Ref: ECU00003274) also requests that a direction be made by the Scottish Ministers under section 57 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. The installed capacity of the proposed Sandy Knowe Wind Farm Extension would be up to 50 MW, comprising 6 turbines, 3 with a ground to blade tip height of 125 metres and 3 with a ground to blade tip height of 149.9 metres; battery storage and associated infrastructure. The proposal is subject to Environmental Impact Assessment.
Sandy Knowe Wind Farm Limited has now submitted additional information to Scottish Ministers, which includes information relating to amendments to the Proposed Development which have been made in response to consultee feedback on the application, or as minor amendments to provide additional information/clarity on the Proposed Development. The additional information provided includes amendments to the design of the Proposed Development, a revised Peat Management Plan, an Outline Borrow Pit Restoration Plan, a set of Landscape Planting Principles and Biodiversity Enhancements and clarifications related to other matters including details of an outdoor education trail and aviation lighting plan.
Copies of the additional information and the application (‘the information’) are available for public inspection in person, free of charge, during normal office hours at:
Location | Opening Hours | Address |
Kirkconnel Parish Heritage Society Office | Monday 9am – 5pm
Tuesday 9am – 5pm Wednesday 9am – 12pm Thursday 9am – 5pm |
40a Main Street, Kirkconnel DG4 6NB |
The information can also be viewed on the application website at (; or at
Copies of the information may be obtained from the Applicant (telephone: +44 141 212 7222 / email at a charge of £150 hard copy and £10 on CD/USB. Copies of a short non-technical summary are available free of charge.
Any representations to the application may be submitted via the Energy Consents Unit website at; by email to the Scottish Government, Energy Consents Unit mailbox at; or by post to the Scottish Government, Energy Consents Unit, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU, identifying the proposal and specifying the grounds for representation.
Representations should be dated, clearly stating the name (in block capitals), full return email and postal address of those making representations. Only representations sent by email to will receive acknowledgement.
All representations should be received not later than 08 January 2024 although Ministers may consider representations received after this date.
Any subsequent additional information which is submitted by the developer will be subject to further public notice in this manner, and representations to such information will be accepted as per this notice.
As a result of a statutory objection from the relevant planning authority, or where Scottish Ministers decide to exercise their discretion to do so, Scottish Ministers can also cause a Public Local Inquiry (PLI) to be held.
Following examination of the environmental information and all views and representations received, Scottish Ministers will determine this application for consent in one of two ways:
- Consent the proposal, with or without conditions attached; or
- Reject the proposal
All previous representations received in relation to this development remain valid.
General Data Protection Regulations
The Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit processes applications under the Electricity Act 1989. To support transparency in decision making, the Scottish Government publishes representations online at A privacy notice is published on the help page at This explains how the Energy Consents Unit processes your personal information and includes contact details for any enquiries or complaints regarding how your personal data is handled.
Facts and Figures
- 6 additional turbines
- Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
- Up to a maximum 149.9m ground to blade tip height
- Potential to generate approximately an additional 50,000 MW of electricity and reduce CO2 emissions by 42,436 tonnes annually
Planning Application Documents
Volume 1
36405_Volume 1 EIA Main Text Cover Page and Preface_Final
36405_R2_V1_EIA Approach and Methodology_Final
36405_R2_V1_Description of Development_Final
36405_R2_V1_Planning and Energy Policy_Final
36405_R2_V1_Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment_Final
36405_R2_V1_Ecology Final Issue
36405_R2_V1_Ornithology Final issue
36405_R2_V1_Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Soils Final
36405_R2_V1_Transport and Access_Final
36405_R2_V1_Cultural Heritage_Final
36405_R2_V1_Socio-economics, Tourism and Recreation_Final
36405_R2_V1_Other Considerations_FINAL
36405_R2_V1_Schedule of Mitigation and Residual Effects_FINAL
Cover Page Volume 1 Main Report 36405_
Sandy Knowe Wind Farm Extension – Design and Access Statement_FINAL
36405_Volume 4 LVIA Figures and Visualisations Cover Page_Final
36405_Volume 3 Figures Cover Page_Final
36405_Volume 2 Technical Appendices Cover Page_Final
36405_Volume 1 EIA Main Text Cover Page and Preface_Final
36405 Sandy Knowe Wind Farm Extension_Cover Letter_FINAL _redacted
36405_R3_V1_ Sandy Knowe Wind Farm Extension – Planning Statement_FINAL
220117-KOB-Sandy Knowe Extension PAC 2022-RPT (final) PDF
Volume 2
36405_Volume 2 Technical Appendices Cover Page_Final
36405-01_Appendix 2-1 Gatecheck 1 Report
36405 Appendix 3-1 Carbon Calculator_final
Technical Appendix 5-1 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Methodology_Final
Technical Appendix 5-2 RVAA_Final_V2
36405 TA 6-1 Ex Ph 1 FInal Issue
36405 TA 6-4 Bat Survey Final Issue
36405 TA 6-3 Protected Species Surveys Final Issue
36405 TA 6-5 Fish Habitat Survey Final Issue
36405 TA 6-6 Aquatic Survey Report
Technical Appendix 7.1 Ornithology Final Issue
36405-01_Appendix 8-3 Coal Mining Risk Assessment_Final_V2
36405-03 Appendix 8-1 Figure 1 Elevation
36405-03 Appendix 8-1 Figure 10 Landslide Risk
36405-03 Appendix 8-1 Figure 2 Slope
36405-03 Appendix 8-1 Figure 3 Geology
36405-03 Appendix 8-1 Figure 5 Peat depth
36405-03 Appendix 8-1 Figure 6 Factor of Safety
36405-03 Appendix 8-1 Figure 7 Contributory Factors
36405-03 Appendix 8-1 Figure 8 Landslide Susceptibility
36405-03 Appendix 8-1 Figure 9 Source and Runout Zones
36405-03 Appendix 8-1 PLHRA_Atmos_FINAL_v2
36405-03 Appendix 8-2 Figure 1 Elevation
36405-03 Appendix 8-2 Figure 2 Slope
36405-03 Appendix 8-2 Figure 3 Peat depth
36405_R2_V1_Cultural Heritage_Appendix 10-2
36405_R2_V1_Cultural Heritage_Appendix 10-1
3445_EIA_2022-02-24_Appendix 11-2_Cumulative_Noise_Prediction_FINAL
3445_EIA_2022-03-22_Appendix 11-1_Noise_Limits_FINAL
3445_EIA_2022-03-22_Appendix 11-3_Margin_of_Compliance_FINAL
3445_EIA_2022-03-22_Appendix 11-4_Figures_FINAL
3445_EIA_2022-03-23_Appendix 11-5_ITPE_March_2020_Report_Compiled
3445_EIA_2022-04-20_Appendix 11-6_HMPL_October_2020_Report_Compiled
36405-03 Appendix 13-1 – Aviation Technical Note
Cover Page Volume 2 Appendices
Volume 3
36405_Volume 3 Figures Cover Page_Final
36405_Figure 1-1_BP_009b_Site Location
36405_Figure 1-2_SL_001n_Site Layout
36405_Figure 1-3_CP_018d_Site Context
36405_Figure 3-1_SL_001m_Site Layout
36405_Figure 3-2a_SL_122a_Design Evolution – Scoping Layout
36405_Figure 3-2b_SL_122b_Design Evolution – Design Chill Layout
36405_Figure 3-2c_SL_122c_Design Evolution – Final Layout
36405_Figure 3-3_CS_C021a_Indicative Turbine – 125m tip
36405_Figure 3-3_CS_C021a_Indicative Turbine – 149.9m tip
36405_Figure 3-4_CS_C022a_Indicative Turbine Foundation
36405_Figure 3-5_CS_079a_Indicative Turbine Installation Area
36405_Figure 3-6_CS_121a_Indicative Battery Storage Facility
36405_Figure 3-7_CS_C023a_Indicative Access Track
36405_Figure 3-8_CS_120a_Indicative Bottomless Culvert
36405_Figure 6-1_EC_109b_Survey Extents
36405_Figure 6-2_HB_017e_Extended Phase 1 Survey
36405_Figure 6-3_EC_108b_Provisional Local Wildlife Sites
36405_Figure 6-4_EC_110b_Protected Species Survey
36405_Figure 6-5_HB_111b_National Vegetation Classification Survey
36405_Figure 6-6_EC_112b_Potential GWDTE Sensitivity scores
36405_Figure 6-7a_SL_116b_Bat Detectors 2020
36405_Figure 6-7b_SL_116c_Bat Detectors 2021
36405_Figure 6-8_EC_031c_Fish Habitat Survey
36405_Figure 7-1_OR_023a_VP Viewsheds and bearings
36405_Figure 7-2_OR_032a_Survey Areas
36405_Figure 7-3_OR_124a_Ornithology receptors within 10 km
36405_Figure 7-4_OR_125a_Vantage Point Results (2019-2020)
36405_Figure 7-5_OR_105a_Vantage Point Activity (2020 – 2021) – Raptor and Wildfowl
36405_Figure 7-6_OR_104a_Vantage Point Activity (2020 – 2021) – Wades and Black grouse
36405_Figure 7-7_OR_082a_Breeding Bird Survey Results
36405_Figure 8-1_HY_114a_Water Features Plan
36405_Figure 8-2_GY_116a_Geology
36405_Figure 8-3a_HB_118a_Potential GWDTE NVC – within buffer zones
36405_Figure 8-3b_HB_119a_Assessed GWDTE
36405_Figure 8-4_HY_113a_Private Water Supply
36405_Figure 8-5_GY_117a_Coal Mining features
36405_Figure 8-6_GY_078b_Interpolated peat depth
Figure 9-2 Traffic Counter Locations
Figure 9-3 Abnormal Loads Route
36405_Figure 10-1_Designated Assets within a 10km Study Area
36405_Figure 10-2_Non-Designated Assets within a 1km Study Area
36405_Figure 10-3_Extract from Speed’s map of 1610
36405_Figure 10-4_Extract from Thomson’s map of 1832
36405_Figure 10-5_Extract from the Ordnance Survey Map of 1857
36405_Figure 10-6_Extract from the Ordnance Survey Map of 1955 to 1957
36405_Figure 10-7_Heritage Assets within ZTV
36405_Figure 10-8_Cultural Heritage Viewpoints
36405_Figure 12-1_SL_106a_Core Paths and Public Rights of Way within 15km
36405_Figure 13-1_SF_080a_Shadow Flicker Assessment
36405_Figure 13-2_SF_080a_Cumulative_Shadow Flicker Assessment
36405_Figure 13-3_CP_025b_Telecommunication Links
36405_Figure 14-2-1_HB_123a_Habitat Management Plan
36405_Figure 1_BP_009b_Site Location
36405_Figure 2_SL_039c_Scoping layout
36405_Figure 3_SL_001i_Design Chill Layout
36405_Figure 4_SL_107a_Design Freeze Layout
Volume 4
36405_Volume 4 LVIA Figures and Visualisations Cover Page_Final
36405_Figure 10-9_WF_C002a_CH2 Kemps Castle (SM656)
36405_Figure 10-10_WF_C003a_CH3 Chricton Peel & Sanquhar Castle (SM687)
36405_Figure 10-11_WF_C004a_CH4 Ryehill Motte (SM708)
36405_Figure 10-12_WF_C005a_CH5 Blackside Hill Southern Cairn
36405_Figure 5.1.1_LS_081a_LVIA Study Area
36405_Figure 5-2-13_PM_C013a_VP13 – New Cumnock
36405_Figure 5-2-14_PM_C014a_VP14 – Ochiltree
36405_Figure 5-2-15_PM_C015a_VP15 – Cairn Table
36405_Figure 5-2-17_PM_C017a_VP17 – Lochside Hotel
36405_Figure 5-2-18_WF_CO18a_VP18 – Todholes Hill
36405_Figure_5A2.2.1_WF_C005b_RA1 Laigh Cairn
36405_Figure_5A2.2.2_WF_C006b_RA2 Cairn Dairy
36405_Figure_5A2.2.4_WF_C008b_RA4 High Cairn Farm
36405_Figure_5A2.2.6_WF_C010b_RA6 Polneul
36405_Figure_5A2.2.7_WF_C011b_RA7 Crockroy
36405_Figure_5A2.2.10_WF_C014b_RA10 Rigg Cottage
36405_Figure_5A2.2.11_WF_C015b_RA11 Hillend
36405_Figure 5-2-3_PM_C003a_VP3 – The Knowe
36405_Figure 5-2-4_PM_C004a_VP4 – Lagrae
36405_Figure 5-2-6_PM_C006a_VP6 – Kirkconnel
36405_Figure 5-2-7_PM_C007a_VP7 – Kirkland Hill
36405_Figure 5-2-8_PM_C008a_VP8 – Sanquhar
Cover Page Volume 4 Other Accompanying SEI Documents
Volume 6
36405_Figure 1_BP_009b_Site Location
36405_Figure 2_SL_001n_Site Layout
36405_Figure 3_CP_018d_Site Context
36405_R2_V1_Non Technical Summary_FINAL
220117-KOB-Sandy Knowe Extension PAC 2022-RPT (final) PDF
36405_R3_V1_ Sandy Knowe Wind Farm Extension – Planning Statement_FINAL
36405_ Sandy Knowe Wind Farm Extension – Design and Access Statement_FINAL
36405 Sandy Knowe Wind Farm Extension_Cover Letter_FINAL _redacted
SEI – Supplementary Environmental Information
Supplementary_Environmental_Information_Chapter_6_Other Considerations
Supplementary_Environmental_Information_Chapter_3_Revised Peat Management Plan
Supplementary_Environmental_Information_Figure_2-1_Site_Layout_2023 revision