Creag Riabhach

Creag Riabhach Extension

Link to the webpage

Site Information

The project is located south of the village of Altanaharra to the north of Lairg, in the county of Sutherland. The works for the construction of the wind farm commenced in October 2020.

Local Partners

We had the opportunity to work with a number of local businesses, such as Henderson of Wick.

Creag Riabhach Section 36C Operational Life Extension

ERG have submitted an application for Variation under Section 36C of the Electricity Act 1989.

Creag Riabhach Wind Farm Limited
Electricity Act 1989
Town And Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997
The Electricity Generating Stations (Applications For Variation Of Consent) (Scotland) Regulations 2013


Notice is hereby given that Creag Riabhach Wind Farm Ltd, company registration number SC424471, with its registered office at 2 Castle Terrace, 4th Floor, Edinburgh, Scotland, Scotland, EH1 2EL, has applied to the Scottish Ministers under section 36C of the Electricity Act 1989 to vary the section 36 consent to construct and operate the Creag Riabhach Wind Farm at the Altnaharra Estate, Sutherland (Central Grid Reference NC 52792 28639 previously consented on 17 October 2016 by Scottish Ministers (“the variation application”). The application also requests that a direction be made by the Scottish Ministers under section 57 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 that planning permission is deemed to be varied.
The variation application seeks to make the following variations: To vary Condition 1 of the Section 36 Consent to extend the operational period of the Creag Riabhach Wind Farm to a period of 40 years from the Date of Final Commissioning. The application also seeks a direction to vary the deemed planning permission Condition 22 (to extend the duration of the consent from 25 to 40 years) and Condition 23 (to extend the time period to 40 years from the Date of Final Commissioning for the site decommissioning, restoration and aftercare to apply).
A summary of the variation application, a copy of the variation application, a link to the original section 36 consent decision letter and the environmental reports prepared in relation to the proposed varied development can be found at the following website: and also on the Scottish Government, Energy Consents Unit website, Application Search, Reference: ECU00004758

The variation application and environmental reports are also available for inspection, free of charge, during normal office hours at: Lairg Library, Main Street, Lairg, IV27 4DD. (Closed Wednesday, Sat and Sunday)
Copies of the variation application and environmental reports may be obtained from ERG UK Holding Limited at a charge of £350 for a hard copy and £10 on CD or USB stick.
Representations on the application may be submitted to Scottish Ministers via the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit, either via the website at; by email to; or by post to Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU, identifying the proposal and specifying the grounds for representation.

Written or emailed representations should be dated, clearly stating the name (in block capitals) and full postal address of those making representations. Emailed representations should also include the full return email address of those making representations. Only representations sent by email to will receive acknowledgement.
All representations should be received not later than 5th May 2023 although Scottish Ministers may consider representations received after this date.
Any subsequent substantive additional information which is submitted by the developer will be subject to further public notice in this manner, and representations on such information will be accepted as per this notice.

Where Scottish Ministers decide to exercise their discretion to do so, Scottish Ministers may cause a public inquiry to be held.
Following examination of the environmental information and consideration of all representations and responses from consultees, Scottish Ministers will determine the application for variation of consent in one of two ways: vary the consent; or reject the proposal.

General Data Protection Regulations

The Scottish Government processes representations under the Electricity Act 1989. To support transparency in decision making, the Scottish Government publishes online at A privacy notice is published at This explains how the Scottish Government processes your personal information. If you have any concerns about the processing of your personal information by the Scottish Government, please email or write to Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU.

CCTV Privacy Policy – Creag Riabhach Wind Farm

S36C Planning Application Documents


Link to Original S36 Consent Application

Facts and Figures

  • 22 turbines
  • Total installed capacity of up to 92.4MW
  • 125m ground to blade tip
  • 291,000 MWh of electricity per year
  • Secured a 10-year PPA with Engie for both Sandy Knowe and Craiggore wind farms.
  • Potential to power up to 75,000 homes annually and reduce CO2 emissions by 130,950 tonnes
  • Recovered more than 400 hectares of peatland


For more information, please contact the Generation team for Creag Riabhach, at